As if the script was releasing the compound path. Tap the Object panel and select Vectorize to convert the raster image to a vector image. Vectorization of raster images is done by converting pixel color information into simple geometric objects. Locking images won't make a difference to their availability. You shouldn't need to convert fonts to outlines. Converting the file in ArcGIS can be done. Hi eps file is known as vector file as common for all convert all fonts to outlines and lock the images which you used in label then all will be good.

eps file) by using the Image Trace tool in Adobe Illustrator. Shapefile maps can also be converted into Adobe Illustrator vector files using software such as ArcGIS or MAPublisher.
Select the image using the Selection tool. In this video, I show you how to convert a raster image (such as a JPEG) into a vector image (an. The rounded effect applied as was expected, but the empty spaces in paths always turn out filled. Follow the steps below to place and vectorize an image within Illustrator: Place an image within your Illustrator document. Originally designed for the Apple Macintosh, development of Adobe Illustrator began in 1985.Along with Creative Cloud (Adobes shift to monthly or annual subscription service delivered over the Internet), Illustrator CC was released. Using the Image Trace feature, you choose from a number of. Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor and design program developed and marketed by Adobe Inc. However, when running these steps from my script, i get this result: Illustrator CC provides an Image Trace feature that converts raster images into editable vectors. You can see a slight rounding effect to the edges. Here is how this looks when done manually:

I am writing a script in Extendscript for adobe illustrator that would automate these steps for an ink like effect: 1)Expand the selected object 2)convert to a compound shape 3)apply gaussian blur 4)rasterize 5)image trace.